I know that we are all supposed to say gracious, politically correct things when one side wins an election. Indeed, the loser and the President have done their duty and made those statements. Be those statements sincere or not, their duties have been performed.
But let’s face the fact that the citizens of the United States of America have just elected a Marxist charlatan to the highest office of the land. Great crowds cheered the victory. Did you see the Hammer and Sickle flags and tee shirts in the crowd? Wonderful! Moral relativism and postmodern deconstructionism have won over biblical truth—but only temporarily, of course. Ultimately, truth will win (Romans 8:20-21), (Philippians 2:9-11). The second chapter of 2 Thessalonians should also be considered.
Let us pray that the system of government devised by the founding fathers will work to hold the power of all three branches of government in check so that irreparable damage is not done to the republic, to the Constitution, to the institution of holy matrimony, to the lives of millions of pre-born babies, as well as to other timeless principles.
Kyrie eleison!
I agree partially. We (not I, but the generic "we") have just elected a person who will lead us away from the Christian principles which the Founding Fathers established, making this the greatest country in the history of mankind. However, since darwinism has been forcefed to us, thru education and the media (visual as well as print), there has been a gradual shift away from our beginnings, and the Word of God. What happened yesterday was merely the product of 150 years of moral and spiritual decay.
I am not attempting to trivialize it, just an overall observation as we have seen the loss of biblical inclusion in society - beginning with the illegal (unconstitutional) taking of prayer our of schools. Take away prayer, take away Bible reading in school, redefine the definition of 'life' to devalue it's meaning and replace these with ateism, humanism and moral relativism, and what happened was just an inevitable conclusion. I do not fault someone like Senator Obama, as it is his right to run for any office he legally qualifies for, and he cannot elect himself (at least not yet (?)). I fault all the people who voted for him; who allowed their need for 'change', their apparent 'loss of income' due to the Wall Street crisis, their apathy toward all the unsavory acqaintances of Mr Obama etc etc etc; to vote blindly for someone who has not only lied at every turn, but has an agenda that may never be undone in this country.
There are still a lot of 'decent' people. However, the erosion of what is termed 'decent' puts us further and further away from what the Founding Fathers - and our Creator - intended for this country. We have been blessed, but, as usual, man has again misused and abused the blessings of God for his own self-elevation, which always leads us down the path of destruction.
Thanks for your thoughtful comments. I realize my labels for the President Elect are harsh, but taken in the full context of his history and campaign for president they are unfortunately true in many respects. I should add that as citizens we must honor the office of President, no matter who holds it--to do otherwise would lead to anarchy. As Christians, we should pray for all our officials, especially for their salvation as well as for their physical safety.
Thanks again for your comments.
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