The manmade elements brought back fond memories, but it was the natural beauty that blew me away. White pines, mature when I saw them fifty years ago, have grown huge and have stayed healthy. Hemlocks, seemingly unaffected by the Woolly Adelgid that has decimated hemlocks in our area, dominate the forest, along with lichen-covered Chestnut Oaks. Add a tumbling waterfall, towering cliffs and ethereal Wood Thrush call floating out of pure silence—but words fail! Just enjoy the pictures (Click on them to enjoy them more.)
And did I mention the clouds?! (Psalm 19:1)
Fifty years away—how stupid! I shall return.
By the way, the totem pole is a replacement for a somewhat more massive one that was carved using hand axes fifty years ago. The original gradually deteriorated, and efforts at restoration failed. A pair of the colorful new totems grace the front of the dining hall.
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